Aircraft Rentals

Please fill out the Renter Information Form if you already have a license and are interested in renting an aircraft from us.

Click here to rent an aircraft

A check-out is required in an aircraft before you may rent it.

Our aircraft are rented “wet” (including fuel).  Hourly rates are figured in tenth hours using the Hobbs meter in the plane.

If you take an aircraft on a trip requiring fuel stops, you’re responsible for purchasing the fuel. When you return you will be reimbursed for your fuel purchases at a rate not to exceed that day’s self-serve “Field Price” upon providing receipts for your purchases. It’s prudent to try to refuel at airports with fuel priced at or below Field Price if possible. There is a two-hour per day minimum when taking a plane for more than one day, and a three-hour per day minimum when taking it over the weekend (Friday-Sunday).

A signed Aircraft Rental Agreement (below) and proof of a current renter’s insurance policy is required to rent any of our aircraft unless you are enrolled as a student in flight training with us. We strongly recommend obtaining a renter’s policy no matter what you fly. Avemco, AOPA, and many other independent aviation insurance agents offer non-owner policies.

If you don’t rent frequently enough to justify an annual Renter’s Insurance policy, then you may consider monthly insurance. Skywatch Insurance now offers monthly policies.

If you need to make or change a rental that will take place less than 24 hours from now, please call (830) 494-KUVA (5882).

N738CX - RFG#2

N738CX is a 1977 160 HP Cessna 172N Skyhawk II – $175 per Hobbs hour (wet)
Click here for the:
POH / CESSNA 172N Checklist / Takeoff Distances / N738CX W&B (enable Macros) / Garmin 530W / Garmin G5 (dual)

N3817Q is a 1972 150 HP Cessna 172L Skyhawk – $175 per Hobbs hour (wet)
Click here for the:
POH / Cessna 172L Checklist / Takeoff Distances / N3817Q W&B (enable Macros) / Garmin 530W / Garmin G5 (dual)

* NEW * EDM-900 / Garmin GNC 215

N46696 is a 1972 150 HP Cessna 172L Skyhawk – $175 per Hobbs hour (wet)
Click here for the:
POH / Cessna 172L Checklist / Takeoff Distances / N46696 W&B
(enable Macros) / Garmin 530W / Garmin G5 (dual)


N2841R is a 1969 PA-28R-200 Piper Arrow with a Garmin 530W GPS, Garmin G5 EFI, JPI EDM-730 engine monitor, and Shadin fuel flow meter. It meets FAA requirements as a Commercial trainer and for Complex Endorsements. – $230 per Hobbs hour (wet)
Click here for the:
POH / SB_866A / Piper Arrow Checklist / Takeoff Distances / N2841R W&B (enable Macros) / Garmin 530W / Garmin G5 / JPI EDM-730 / Shadin Miniflo