Early June was 2 for 2 for a couple of our students.
June 8th, Charlie “6.2” Bates flew up to KBWD and passed his private pilot check ride. (sorry no pic)

June 9th, Dan Fischer became a private pilot as well.

July 28th, William Mayo ACED his oral and flew to join the elite list of FAA private pilot license holders.

August 6th – CONGRATULATIONS to Cole Evans of Washington state! He came down to Texas and endured 100° temps to learn to fly with us. You have to question his sanity, right? With only 11.6 hours under his belt, he took to the sky by himself for his first SOLO flight today. Most 16-year-old kids are glued to the TV playing video games, but not Cole. His dedication and studying paid off in a big way. Don’t be surprised if you see him sitting in the captain’s seat in 10 years.
A BIG CONGRATULATIONS goes out to all of them!!