Best Co-Pilot in the World – KCXO

Reflections in Aviation

Look! I cought a BIG one!

2013 Summer Ground Class @ KSAT Tower Tour

Smooth Ride

Back Seat “Drivers”


Picking up the Red Rocket in January from Laconia, NH

Aeron at McCreery Aviation at KMFE waiting on Michael to finish his check ride.

Michael Breshears (17-years-old), on the way to his
checkride at McAllen (KMFE). Michael soloed on his 16th birthday and
passed his Private with flying colors with only 43 hours

Michael (age 19) after earning his Complex / High Performance
endorsement in the Arrow on 12/29/12.

“Pilots”… Check, Sippy Cup… Check, Sandwich… Check, Toys… Check, FUN… Check!

Helping daddy 🙂

Court U. after passing his Private Pilot check ride at KMFE.

Becky S. of Rusty’s Flying Service in D’Hanis after completing her three towered landings at Stinson (KSSF) in San Antonio.

Aeron keeping entertained in Illinois Aviation Hall of Famer, Harrel Timmons’ office during the purchase of N2841R.

Aeron on the way back from Keokuk, IA (KEOK) in N2841R.
Time en route only 7 hours!